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Blackberry to release a more secure version of Android

BlackBerry is entering the OS foray!


According to the latest reports coming out, BlackBerry is about to announce licensing deals for a more secure version of Android. The name of the OS is BlackBerry Secure.

BlackBerry was once the go to device for corporates who wanted a secure phone. They started to fall behind when smartphones started rising. The company quickly fell behind. It was only in 2015 that they announced an Android smartphone. This was years after other competitors had made the move. Since then, it has partnered with various hardware manufacturers around the world to resuscitate the BlackBerry brand and reoriented its focus to providing BlackBerry software to Android users.

blackberryOverview on BlackBerry

The former has been working out relatively well: it recently signed a 10-year brand licensing deal with Optiemus in India, which gives the Delhi-based telecommunications company the right to design, manufacture, and sell devices using the BlackBerry moniker. Not only that, it already has similar partnerships with BB Merah Putih for Indonesia. It also partnered with TCL (probably a better-known partnership) for the global market. The latter, on the other hand, has been limited to Google Play apps so far, but that’s about to change according to the latest report.


Called BlackBerry Secure, it will be based on Android. BlackBerry will add security features that make it much more secure. The company is right now discussing licensing agreements with various hardware manufacturers. Under the licensing deal, Android OEMs will be able to ship their devices with a modified version of Android. It will be packed with all the features that once made BlackBerry so appealing. This seems to be a good move by the company to revive its fortunes by doing what the company was famous for. Blackberry devices were widely used in the business sector due to ring the height of their fame. It was because of the key emphasis on security and privacy.

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